Napoleon Bonaparte’s Invasion to Palestine

Napoleon Bonaparte and his French Army in 1799 invaded Palestine. He committed mass murder and caused extensive destruction of villages and cities like Gaza, AlRamlah, and especially the coastal city, Yafa. Al Jazar assumed the role of governor in Palestine, with Acre as his base. Yousef Jarrar, held the position of administrator in Legion Sanjak, which included Jenin, the surrounding villages, and Marj Bin A'amer all the way to Haifa. Furthermore, he served as the administrator for Nablus Sanjak, which encompassed mount Nablus, Tulkarm, and the surrounding villages all the way to Yafa. In a surprising turn of events, the French invasion of Palestine brought together Yousef Jarrar and Al Jazar, who had a history of enmity. It was during this time that Al Jazar sent Yousef Jarrar (Abu Dawood), a heartfelt poem:

Screenshot from Hussni Adham Jarrar’s book ‘Mountain of Fire History…and Jihad 1700 - 1900AD’

what the mujahid fighter gushing forth unravels

with tears running down my cheeks

Allah the merciful did not create better than the messenger,

the Hashemite messenger, the gentleman of all genteel

Go forth on a fast steed with your travels!

journey even at nightfall. Do not assume the Pines dependable.

it is square, (the letter) not folded by the crooked or the careless

race the blowing winds in the wilderness!

may Allah guide you, take my letter

filled with expressions and examples.

pass through Marj Ibn A’amer and approach

you will find yourself in lands with noble nationals

get to Jenin in the cloudless morning

you will find their high rises and built castles

burst through it quickly, do not give to exhaustion

reach Sanour and there you can settle

You will find there the lion of the lands, the master of the masses.

in the years of inflation, he was instrumental

tell him do not begrudge our stumbles, you have our praises!

what passed has long passed as time passes

what can I tell you about the numerous diseases we encountered

crusaders wearing armor with lethal arsenal.

the French came to us like locusts and gravels.

seven sultans with seven assails

destroying our mosques and building their chapels

and they call to extinguish the Islamic lanterns

I need you to rise with me for battle

The day of war. Do not fear what you witness

thrust out the western crowd with your numbers

extinguish the eyes of the heretics

Screenshot from Hussni Adham Jarrar’s book ‘Mountain of Fire History…and Jihad 1700 - 1900AD’

When Yousef Jarrar read the poem, he became emotional and gathered the important figures in the Sanjaks of Legion and Nablus. He then recited a poem of his own composition, which had the same rhyming scheme as the one sent to him by Al Jazar.

Abu Dawood speaks with a languished heart

I feel in my heart burning fires

from afar, we received letters

from our Affandi, our malicious Amir

when I beheld the letter, I was overjoyed

when I read the letter, down poured my tears

the heretic creed came to us with violence in their eyes

destroying mosques is the purpose of these invaders

when catastrophe surrounds us O’ Thou Glorious Concealer

O’ Thou Dominant, Thou art the God of all creatures

Toukan family, unsheathe your swords

jump on those precious backs O’ riders

AlNimir family, those ferocious tigers

line up your bold ranks

Mohammed AlOthman, assemble the men for me

from every quarter, assemble the warriors

Ahmed Al Qasim, you courageous lion

for the infantry, commander of all commanders

AlJayousi, a lion in the day of pursuit

for the beautiful and chaste woman, you are the protectors

make haste, O’ A’ato’out, don’t give to fatigue

resolve to go to battle and we will rest in Acres

Ahmadi Al Jabir you wild lion

on this dusty day, the day to deliver

Salih’s sons, you profitable lions

your precious souls always the first sellers

O’ you Ghazi, conqueror of the idolaters

sell your soul with the help of the well-bred horses

Abdel Hadi, arise, do not give to exhaustion

of the coming masses, you are the conquerors

O’ Nablus men, rise up as a cluster

like Eagles over the empty wilderness

proceed to Acre, all of you soldiers

attend to the war from morning till dusk

save your homeland O’ Muslim believers

we all are Islam, the enduring religion

Who is killed from us. This is his day.

and whoever survives gets all the splendor

Strike them like the strike of a stubborn gallant

Similar to the olden days of A’antar

Abu Dawood speaks from a brave heart

nothing but endurance is left for me in this war


Screenshot from Hussni Adham Jarrar’s book ‘Mountain of Fire History…and Jihad 1700 - 1900AD’

The men responded to his summons. The sheiks and notables gathered their troops and set off towards Acre. They resisted the colonizer and successfully expelled them. Napoleon Bonaparte, leading the French, suffered heavy casualties during this invasion. Palestine remained free, protected by its people till the start of the 20th century.


Incredible quotes I came across in the books I read this year.


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