666 = ٦ ٦ ٦ = ך ף ר = KFR = ك ف ر = Infidel

In Sahih Muslim, Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him said, “there is never a prophet who has not warned the Ummah of that one-eyed liar; behold he is one-eyed and your Lord is not one-eyed. On his forehead are the letters K. F. R. (Kafir).”

I've always wondered why Prophet Muhammad chose to use KFR instead of simply using the word "kafir" which means infidel. I felt that each letter might mean something, maybe K represents Kazib (lies), and F represents Furqa (division), and R represents Riba (usury). Doesn't an unbeliever commit all these actions that God has warned us about in every religious text? Only Allah knows.

During my reading of the Bible, I encountered the following verses from Revelation 13:

“16 It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, 17 so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name.

18 This calls for wisdom. Let the person who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man.[e] That number is 666.”

How does the number 666 correlate with the letters KFR, as mentioned by Prophet Muhammad?

I researched the various interpretations of the number 666, where people used Hebrew letters and added them up to see if they equaled 666.

“The 22 ancient Hebrew letters were used to express also numbers. For a better overview we have added the Arabic numerals below the respective letters. A Hebrew naturally only had to orientate himself by the letters. Five of them (with the numerical values 20, 40, 50, 80, 90) had a slightly different shape at the end of the word in the lower part of the character. But the numerical value remained the same and was only changed much later, which is, however, of no importance for our question” See https://bible-menorah.jimdofree.com/english/666/

I decided to calculate the KFR numbers, so I transcribed them using Hebrew letters.

The letter K is used in two different ways - at the beginning and middle of words, as well as at the end of words. Because K.F.R. are written separately, I felt I had to use the letter at the end of the word: ך

The letter F in Hebrew is equivalent to the letter Pe in Hebrew, both of which consist of two letters. Additionally, I specifically selected the one that is used at the end of a word: ף.

R: ר

KFR in Hebrew = ך ף ר

If you are an Arab you will realize my surprise! There was no need for me to go any farther. Here it is! 666! The numerical system currently used by Arabs is known as Eastern Arabic Numerals, and the Arabic representation of the digit 6 is written as ٦.

666 = ٦ ٦ ٦ = ך ף ר = KFR = ك ف ر = Infidel


Quran Surah Openings mystery revealed, Allah only knows


Ilan Pappe's books challenge the false narrative of Zionism.